The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 297 – 4 Tips On How To Become An Impactful Leader

Have you had a leader in your life who had a life-changing impact on you?

How important was this person to you?

Great leaders have a massive impact on the world and on us as individuals. This can be an amazing coach, a manager, an organisational leader, or a connection that guides us to great heights.

While great leaders are immensely important, many people struggle to lead when in these positions.

They may:

•    Shy away from the opportunity

•    Go about things the wrong way

•    Create damage, not empowerment, in the relationship.

Unfortunately, this can lead them to disengage from leading others.

Having led thousands of people for over 20 years, I've learned a thing or two about how to help people get the best out of themselves.

I believe there are four key tools/understandings you must have if you want to be a leader who can have a massive impact.

In this week’s video, I share four tips on how to become an impactful leader, enabling you to create life-changing shifts in others.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 296 – 4 reasons why you may not be getting results you want…

Do you exercise regularly but aren’t getting the results you want?

Maybe you…

  • Consistently turn up

  • Consistently do the workouts

But you aren’t seeing the change you want.

This is frustrating and can be unmotivating.
There are lots of reasons why this happens, but I feel there are 4 main ones. 
This week I share 4 key reasons people why don’t get the results they want, and what you need to do to overcome these.

If you want to get better results, make sure you watch this video.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 295 – Why 5 people cried on my shoulder

Last weekend 5 people cried on my shoulder.
It wasn’t because they were sad…
It was because they had overcome the massive challenge of completing a marathon.

The tears represented:

·        Pride

·        Fatigue

·        Feeling on top of the world

·        Realising that they had achieved something that was so hard!

These were powerful interactions which showed the value of doing something extremely hard in your life.

Inspired by last weekend, I thought I would create a video explaining the 4 things to do if you are going to take on an extremely hard challenge. Something that I believe is a good thing for every person to do.

Watch the video to learn the lessons.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 294 – 4 ways to own your success

Are you the kind of person who sometimes has the ‘two biscuits lead to the whole packet’ problem?

…and perhaps struggles to close the door on temptation once you go past a certain point?

If you are, you are not alone!

The problem is, when we go to this place it can lead to unhealthy outcomes, weight gain, feeling crap about ourselves, and sometimes even bigger costs.

I have 3 strategies I use to manage my temptations and they have helped me become someone who very rarely goes to an unhealthy place.

In this week’s video I share these strategies with you and teach you how you can apply them to your life so when you are confronted with temptation, you can manage it in a healthier way.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 293 – 3 strategies that help you stay healthy with your temptations (Copy)

Are you the kind of person who sometimes has the ‘two biscuits lead to the whole packet’ problem?

…and perhaps struggles to close the door on temptation once you go past a certain point?

If you are, you are not alone!

The problem is, when we go to this place it can lead to unhealthy outcomes, weight gain, feeling crap about ourselves, and sometimes even bigger costs.

I have 3 strategies I use to manage my temptations and they have helped me become someone who very rarely goes to an unhealthy place.

In this week’s video I share these strategies with you and teach you how you can apply them to your life so when you are confronted with temptation, you can manage it in a healthier way.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 292 - 3 steps I’ve taken to remove an insecurity

I have one main insecurity…concern about future security.

It comes from being a small business owner.

Although evidence shows that things will be fine, there are moments where the future seems unclear and uncertain.

Last week I started using a tool that seems to have removed this fear and uncertainty when this insecurity rears its head and has instead, created excitement about our future.

I’m finding it to be a very powerful tool so this week I want to share it with you.

Check out my latest video to learn the tool and see how you may be able to apply it to your life.

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Bevan Eyles