The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 293 – 3 strategies that help you stay healthy with your temptations (Copy)

Are you the kind of person who sometimes has the ‘two biscuits lead to the whole packet’ problem?

…and perhaps struggles to close the door on temptation once you go past a certain point?

If you are, you are not alone!

The problem is, when we go to this place it can lead to unhealthy outcomes, weight gain, feeling crap about ourselves, and sometimes even bigger costs.

I have 3 strategies I use to manage my temptations and they have helped me become someone who very rarely goes to an unhealthy place.

In this week’s video I share these strategies with you and teach you how you can apply them to your life so when you are confronted with temptation, you can manage it in a healthier way.

Bevan Eyles