The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 286 - Why People Quit So Quickly

There are a lot of people who quit exercise within 13 days of starting.

There are many reasons why this happens, but one of the main reasons is…

They do everything wrong with their planning.

  • ·      Plan to do their exercise when they are tired

  • ·       Don’t consider the extra support they will need

  • ·       Schedule their exercise at times when they know they struggle, for example someone who hates mornings tries to exercise in the morning

  • ·       Don’t do any practical or mental planning at all!

There are many steps you need to do (and get right) if you want to introduce a long term exercise routine into your life and becoming a legendary planner is one of the most important.

In this week’s video I’m going to teach you the 4 key planning tools you must put in place if you want to develop a long term love of regular exercise. 

These tools will set you up for exercise success.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 285- Are You Stressed? Watch This…

Are you stressed in your life right now?
Or do you find that you struggle when stress overtakes your life?

 Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this…

‘How do I reduce the time I spend in stress when it’s overtaking my life?’

 Through thinking about this question, I’ve developed a 6 step process you can do in times of stress that will help.

The results are huge!!!

When I go through this 6 step process, my stress melts away and I’m quickly in a healthier, more rational place.
In this week’s video I’m going to teach you my 6 step process, a process I’ve never seen anywhere else so you can become a master of moving away from your stresses quickly.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 284 – The most effective use of your growth energy

Read this statement:

If you are aiming to improve an area of your life, you want to use your time in the most effective and powerful way.’

Do you agree with this statement? I’m pretty sure most of you will.  

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t apply it when they are trying to grow.

  • Just do what they have always done in the past

  • Put their focus on the wrong things

  • Don’t spend time understanding and developing the most effective pathway forward

This can lead to a place where their progress is slow and frustrating.

In developing a growth pathway, we want to make sure we are using our energy in the most effective way possible so we can quickly create impactful change and continue to evolve down this path.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 283 – One of the quickest ways to stop progress

As someone who helps people achieve fitness goals, there’s often a moment I see which leads to people moving backwards in their progress.

They have…

  • Started a fitness goal

  • Achieved the goal they desired

  • Experienced amazing physical and mental benefits

At this point, if you ask these people if they want to maintain the progress they have made, 100% of them would say ‘yes’.

But unfortunately, many of them make decisions that lead to them going backwards…and often it’s to the place where they were before they started their journey.

We often see this in difference scenarios such as:

  • Weight loss - we often hear of people who have lost weight only to put it straight back on

  • Fitness – where someone has been successful with exercise only to fall away from it and reverting back to being unfit and inactive

While there are a few reasons why this happens, one of the biggest reasons is…

Once they achieve their goal, they pull away from the things that made them successful.

This is often because they think they can ‘do it by themselves’, or they move away from the investment of time and money that it took for them to achieve their initial goal.

 If you want to maintain, and even progress further, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to pull away from the things that make you successful.

In this week’s video, I help you identify how you can become more aware of what you need to keep in place once you get to your ‘success point’ so you can maintain and even go further with the gains you have made.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 282 - How to live a Passionate Life

There are a lot of people out there who want to live a passionate life but for some reason, they aren’t.

This may be due to a number of reasons such as…

  • Not knowing what they are passionate about

  • Having so many life commitments that they don’t have the time or energy

  • They have given up on thinking that a passionate life is possible

 Are you in this place? If so, would you like to change it?

If you want to create change, we need to put a framework in place that takes you from where you are right now to where you want to get to.

While there are a few hurdles to get over, to me, there’s one that stands out as one of the biggest limiters…

It’s that you have put the worst version of yourself into the time you need to develop this side of your life.
For example, you plan to put work into developing your passion at the end of the work day…

Often when you are tired and unfocused, which can mean you procrastinate and put it off.

This can lead to a place where you don’t make progress which reinforces to you that you can’t lead a passionate life.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 281 – One of my most powerful motivational tool

One of the hardest parts of creating change is taking the hard actions when we feel resistance.

 We know…

  • What we need to do

  • How we need to do it

But the resistance we can sometimes feel stops us from taking action.

 I think one of the reasons for this is the story we build up in our head.

Have you ever…

  • Talked yourself out of the action you know you need to take?

  • Justified why ‘now is not the right time’ to take action?

  • Made the action almost seem impossible to do?

 If we want to grow or create change, we need to take action. We need to consistently do the hard things, even when we feel resistance.

 In this week’s video I want to share with you one powerful motivational tool that I use that helps me take action when I feel resistance. This is a tool that I’ve taught many people to use and it’s proving to be a winner.

If you want to get better at doing the hard things, watch this video.

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Bevan Eyles