The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 280 – Mind blowing insight on motivation

A few years ago I did an interview with one of the greatest triathletes of all time, a guy by the name of Peter Reid.

This 3 x world Ironman champion was known to be…

  • An extremely tough athlete

  • Driven to do whatever it took to win

  • Able to endure ‘hurt’ more than other high-level athletes

 In this interview, he talked about his driving motivation which was…

 To prove to his father that he was worth something.

Peter talked about what motivated him but his insight was more about how his motivation was unhealthy for him.

He also shared an amazing moment where he lost all of his athletic motivation…

 It was when his father sent him a letter telling him he was proud of him.

This interview opened up the idea of questioning if the motivation we have is healthy, because sometimes what we are chasing isn’t good for us.

In this week’s video, I share Peter’s story and explore the idea of questioning if your motivation is good or bad for you and what you can do if it’s working against you.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 279 - I'm Not Inspired by David Goggins

You may have heard David Goggins, the guy is a fitness freak!


  •  Has been a Navy Seal

  • Has held the world record for pull-ups

  • Is an ultra-marathon runner and ultra-distance cyclist

You’d think that someone like me, who absolutely loves fitness, would be inspired by Goggins.

But I’m not…

The reason is because all I ever hear from David Goggins is about what he has done.

While he’s clearly a bloody impressive human who I would have been inspired by in my twenties, I no longer get inspiration from people like this. 

Nowadays, I’m inspired by a different type of person.

The type of people I get inspired by still achieve amazing things, they just do it in different ways.

In this week’s video I share where I get inspiration from, the type of people I want to surround myself with, to learn from, and to ultimately be one day in the future.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 278 – Another way I’m dealing with my injury

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you how I’m working through a back injury.

My main aims during this time are to:

  •  Get back to normal in the wisest way possible

  • Minimise the damage that could be done during this time e.g. not putting on unnecessary weight due to unfocused eating.

While these are just a couple of my focuses, this time has also reinforced the importance of the self-development work I’ve done over the last 10 years.

 You see, if I had this injury in my early thirties, I would probably have felt…

  • Lost and insecure

  • That I had to keep exercising in ways that would work against my injury getting better

  • A threat to my life and career

Luckily for me when I was thirty, I realised that I was too one-dimensional as a person.

I was amazing at exercise but that was about it.

At this time I realised I needed to develop new sides of myself, to develop lots of ‘esteem points’.

Now that I’m in a place where I can’t exercise how I like to, these different ‘esteem points’ make it easier for me to make the best decisions around my injury.

In this week’s video I share how I discovered that I needed to develop myself, what I did after that discovery, and how it’s helping me right now.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 277 – An important tool an alcoholic taught me…

Before I start, I just want to let you know that all of our running groups are starting on the 3rd of July. We have our beginner 5km group, our 10km group, and our winter half marathon group starting.

If you are looking to join our team and achieve an amazing running goal, go to to find out more.


A while I ago, I was talking to a recovered alcoholic and they said something to me that blew my mind away.

They said…

‘Even though I haven’t had a drink in over 20 years I think about having one every day of my life’.

 This was quite a different experience to my own journey with alcohol. When I gave up 25 years ago, I never thought about drinking it again.

 There’s a difference between me and him…

 I was a bad drunk, he’s an alcoholic.

 I asked him how he had been successful in keeping drinking away, when every day, he was confronted with this thought.

 He shared a powerful technique/tool that he uses.

When I learnt this tool, I thought, ‘this tool can be used in so many areas of life’.

So today, I’m going to share this tool with you that you can use when you have thoughts are pushing you towards actions you are trying to stay away from. This can help you stay on a better path.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 276 – A way I deal with injury

Unfortunately, I hurt by back last week.

It’s the kind of the injury that can take quite a bit of time to come right, so I have a journey in front of me.

This can be a scary time for someone who loves fitness and has a career in it.

Luckily I’ve learnt how to managed times like these so…

  • I can get back to normal as quickly as possible

  • I can manage the emotional side of dealing with this injury

  • I can use it as an opportunity to develop other areas of my life

There’s also another area that I think is key at this time…

‘Do as little damage as possible while I work through this’.

I’m not talking about the injury here, I’m talking about not allowing myself to take a step backwards in these other areas:

  • My mental health

  • Weight gain

  • Feeling disconnected

The aim during this time is to also look after these areas too so when I’m recovered I can get back to the fit and active version of myself I like to be as soon as possible.  

​​​​​​​In this week’s video I share how I approach times like these and what strategies I use to do ‘as little damage as possible’.

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Bevan Eyles
The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 275 - A powerful way to reinforce identity

If you want to grow in an area of your life, one of the best things you can do is…

Consciously put yourself in environments that are designed to help you grow.

Doing this will take you to a place where:

  • You’ll progress faster

  • Experience more motivation

  • Get to levels that you can’t get to by yourself

When choosing these environments there are many things you need to look for but there’s one thing in particular that I want to focus on today.

It’s how the environment builds and reinforces a shift in your identity.
Being in this type of environment can powerfully help you develop and reinforce a new level of behaviour, which leads to higher outcomes.

In this week’s video, I share one important thing to look for when you are choosing the environments that help you grow which, in turn, shifts how you see yourself.

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Bevan Eyles