The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 274 - Are you doing enough of this?
One of the best ways to make progress is through feedback.
It can be gained through self-assessment or through the use of a mentor or coach.
The problem is, most people don’t have a process for getting feedback.
This leads to:
Making the same mistakes over and over
Not feeling they are getting anywhere or making any progress
Depleting motivation because they are a bit lost and confused
Recently I had an experience with one of our runners that should how their lack of self-assessment was working against them.
It was taking them to a place where they were losing the love for running.
In this week’s video, I share the insight I gained in working with this person and the advice I gave, which helped them find their mojo again.
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The Bevan James Eyles Show, Episode 273 - Dealing with my insecurity
I have an insecurity around my piano playing…
It’s that I don’t think I will ever be good at playing by ear.
This holds me back from practicing because when I do spend time trying to play by ear my inner voice says…
‘You are not good at this so why even try’.
This leads to me…
This creates an experience where I don’t get better, which reinforces my insecurity.
Lately, I’ve developed a plan that helps me overcome this, and it’s working.
I’m moving away from this insecurity and am actually getting better at playing by ear.
In this week’s video, I share a deeper level of my experience and teach you the technique I’m using which is helping.
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